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Surry-Yadkin Works Playbook

Learn more about the Surry-Yadkin Works model and its impact on students, employers, and communities.

What does it look like when education, government, and workforce leaders join forces to develop a new generation of talent and drive their regional economy? The Belk Center’s new Surry-Yadkin Works playbook, developed in partnership with myFutureNC, is full of tips and best practices from a promising model that is changing the game for students, employers, and communities in northwestern North Carolina.  

Made possible by support from the North Carolina Department of Commerce, the Office of Governor Roy Cooper, the North Carolina Business Committee for Education, and Jobs for the Future, the playbook outlines the conditions that primed Surry-Yadkin Works for success and the specific steps leaders took to launch and grow the program. This cross-sector partnership aligns four different school districts, the local community college, and local public and private sector employers across two counties via a streamlined approach to connecting students with pre-apprenticeship opportunities and wraparound support on a clear pathway to success after high school. 

The benefits of this collaborative regional approach to work-based learning are significant and far-reaching. Every sector—including education, government, and the workforce—wins in a model designed by and with the community.