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Our Team

Belk Center Staff

Audrey Jaeger, Ph.D.

Executive Director, W. Dallas Herring Professor

Monique N. Colclough, Ph.D.

Director of Programs and Initiatives

Kaitlin N. S. Newhouse, Ph.D.

Associate Director of Research and Evaluation

Holley Nichols, Ph.D.

Associate Director of Research and Evaluation

Lisa Pierson

Director of Finance and Human Resources

Nohemi Ramirez

Assistant Director of Programs and Initiatives

Dre'Sha Singleton, MBA

Assistant Director of Programs and Initiatives

Zach Barricklow, Ed.D.

Liaison for Rural Engagement and Research, Belk Center; Associate Vice President for Strategy and Rural Innovation, NC Community College System

Belk Center Affiliated Faculty

Kenneth Ender, Ph.D.

Professor of Practice, ELPHD

Devon Graves, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor, ELPHD; Faculty Scholar, Belk Center

Catherine Hartman, Ph.D.

Assistant Teaching Professor, ELPHD; Faculty Scholar, Belk Center

Mary Rittling, Ed.D.

Professor of Practice, ELPHD

Makena Stewart, Ed.D.

Assistant Professor of Practice, ELPHD, Faculty Scholar, Belk Center

Robert Templin, Ed.D.

Adjunct Professor of Practice, ELPHD

Belk Center Postdoctoral Scholars and Graduate Researchers

Belk Center Affiliates

Frim Ampaw, Ed.D.

Chair and Professor Higher Education Program, Morgan State University; Faculty Affiliate, Belk Center

Erica Andrews, Ed.D.

Assistant Dean for Advising and Assessment, UNC Charlotte; Research Affiliate, Belk Center

Kara Battle, Ed.D.

Chief Academic Officer, Durham Technical Community College; Research Affiliate, Belk Center

Jorge Burmicky, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor, Howard University; Faculty Affiliate, Belk Center

Kris Burris

Vice President, Student Success and Enrollment Management, College of the Albemarle; Research Affiliate, Belk Center

Jody Call

Executive Director of Institutional Research, Planning, and Effectiveness, Wilkes Community College; Research Affiliate, Belk Center

Mark D'Amico, Ph.D.

Professor of Higher Education, UNC Charlotte; Faculty Affiliate, Belk Center

Pamela Eddy, Ph.D.

Professor of Higher Education, William & Mary; Faculty Affiliate, Belk Center

Ciji Heiser, Ph.D.

Research Affiliate, Belk Center

Matthew Ison, Ph.D.

Instructor, Northern Illinois University; Research Affiliate, Belk Center

Micara Lewis-Sessoms, Ed.D.

Director, Work Based Education, Durham Technical Community College; Research Affiliate, Belk Center

Jonathan Loss, Ed.D.

Dean of Enrollment Management, Catawba Valley Community College – Research Affiliate, Belk Center

Darris Means, Ph.D.

Associate Professor, University of Pittsburgh; Faculty Affiliate, Belk Center

David Nguyen, Ph.D.

Associate Professor and Dean, University College, Ohio University; Research Affiliate, Belk Center

Cameron Sublett, Ph.D.

Associate Professor and Director, University of Tennessee, Knoxville; Faculty Affiliate, Belk Center

Jason Taylor, Ph.D.

Associate Professor, The University of Utah; Faculty Affiliate, Belk Center

JMB Impact Fellows