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Belk Center Releases Building Capacity & Supporting Educators at North Carolina Community Colleges Guidebook

In an ongoing collaboration to support faculty professional learning at North Carolina’s community colleges, the Belk Center for Community College Leadership and Research and Achieving the Dream, are pleased to release the “Building Capacity & Supporting Educators at North Carolina Community Colleges” Guidebook. 

The new guidebook synthesizes the creation of the North Carolina Teaching & Learning Hubs as an outcome of the 2018 Dallas Herring Lecture, “The Urgent Case: Centering Teaching and Learning in the Next Generation of Community College Redesign,” delivered by Dr. Karen Stout of Achieving the Dream. The Hubs’ distinguishing feature is our dual focus on (a) providing professional learning programs to support the growth and development of individual educators, and (b) ongoing capacity building to strengthen how each participating college designs and facilitates its professional learning programs. The guidebook is informed by the inaugural Teaching & Learning Toolkit, released by Achieving the Dream in 2020.

Key Takeaways:

Full-and-part-time (adjunct) faculty generally express similar levels of interest in the same teaching and learning practices, although more full-time faculty indicated substantial interest in new developments in their specific discipline or field (58%) compared to adjunct faculty (46%).

A slightly higher percentage of full-time faculty (91%) have access to data that tell them how students are doing in their courses as compared to adjunct faculty (85%). 

General education full-time faculty are more likely to strongly agree that participation in professional learning is considered in evaluation processes (29%) as compared to faculty in other areas (19%-23%). 

Click here to download the “Building Capacity & Supporting Educators at North Carolina Community Colleges” Guidebook

About the Belk Center

Creating tools, convening leaders, and catalyzing change: the Belk Center for Community College Leadership and Research works with educators, researchers, and policymakers to further more equitable community college outcomes in North Carolina and across the nation. We equip community college leaders with actionable insights and create opportunities for collaboration as we tackle the most pressing issues facing students and campuses to build stronger, more resilient communities. The Belk Center is housed in the College of Education at North Carolina State University, a land-grant university that shares our commitment to community colleges and the critical role these institutions play in creating and expanding opportunities for all North Carolinians.